INDEX. 251
Current yield 30, 116
Cyanic acid, constitution of 113
Cyanogen 93, 94
Cyanogen compounds, complex 140
Decomposition potential 67
pressure 163
Decomposition temperature 163
Density determination of solid substances 16, 30
Deville, H. St. Claire 103
Devitrification of glass 39
Dialysis 44, 46
Diazomethanedisulphonic acid 158, 159
Dibrompraseo salts '. 179
Dibromotetramminecobaltic salts 179
Dichloropraseo salts 182
Dichlorotetramminecobaltic salts 167
Didymium compounds 246
Diethyl sulphite, symmetrical 209
unsymmetrical 211
Dilution law 67
Dimercuriammonium hydroxide 162
Dinitritotetramminecobaltic salts 180
Diphenyl 217
Diphenyl lead iodide 216
Dissociation, electrolytic 65, 100
detection of 69
Dissociation of carbon dioxide 15
of complex compounds 100, 156
Dissociation, thermic 32, 52, 156
Distillation 5
fractional 205, 211, 213
Dithio-oxamide 93
Double salts 99
Drying of rinsed vessels 8
Efficiency of reactions 54
Electroaffinity 67
Electrode surface 116
Electrolysis 28
Electrolytes 65
precipitating action of, on colloids 41, 43
Electrons 9, 28, 66
Electrons, planetary 11
valence 13
Elements, periodic classification of 9