258 INDEX.
Rare earths 239
historical 239
separation 241 et seq.
Reactivity and degree of dissociation 52
Reduction with aluminium 16
with aqueous reducing agents 23, 24, 47
with carbon 15
with carbon monoxide 15, 48
with hydrogen 48, 84
with potassium cyanide 20, 21
Reversible colloids 39
reactions 52, 53, 66, 67, 102, 109, 208
Richards, T. W 198
Rieset, Base of 168
Roasting processes 26
Roseocobaltic salts 167, 177
Rotation, optical 154
Row burner 2
Rubidium, spectroscopic detection of 220
iodide tetrachloride Ill
triiodide Ill
Rutile 81
Salting out 41, 46
Saponification 201
of esters 207 et seq.
Saturation capacity of the metals 214
Schlippe's salt 138
Sealing flasks 8
tubes 8, 57
Secondary valences 141, 155
Selenium 23
dioxide 23
Semicarbazide hydrochloride 161
Semipermeable membranes 49
Sheath, in an atom 12
Silicates, of the heavy metals, membranes of 50
Silicic acid hydrogel 152
Silicon chloroform 81
crystallized 19
hexachloride 81
Silicon octochloride 81
tetrachloride 80
Silicotungstic acid 152
Silver from silver iodide 211
by cupellation 26