
(Jeff_L) #1

A Encourage and improve management of habitat by controlled burning at necessary frequencies
and seasons.

A Discourage/limit human access in highly critical areas and special habitats, when possible.

A Develop/implement/continue recovery plans for individual SGCN.

A Encourage restoration and improved management of altered/degraded habitat when possible.

A Encourage and improve agricultural/forestry/watershed land-use planning and BMPs to address
nonpoint pollution, erosion and water quality issues.

A Maintain/improve/restore hydrologic (depth, hydroperiod, flow) and geomorphic (channel
sinuosity, floodplain, microtopography) integrity.

A Discourage incompatible forestry practices such as bedding as a method of site preparation and
planting extremely high stocking densities.

A Encourage retention, preservation, and conservation of remaining natural habitat through
purchase, easements or MOAs.

A Develop/improve urban/suburban/infrastructure land use development planning/zoning to
address SGCN habitats.

A Improve environmental review and permit process and oversight and enforcement of existing
regulations in important habitats/populations.

A Reduce wetland filling and ensure/encourage local, comparable mitigation for wetland loss and
maintain updated flood zone maps.

A Limit/discourage surface and ground water withdrawals that are not sustainable and significantly
alter flow, depth or salt intrusion.

A Control exotic and invasive species (plant and animal).

A Provide public education about conservation of SGCN and/or their habitats.

A Discourage incompatible recreational uses.

A Promote and develop landowner incentive and assistance programs for conservation of SGCN
and their habitats.

A Encourage appreciation of SGCN and their habitats by providing public access and compatible
recreational activities.

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