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Our Mission:

It is the mission of the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries,
and Parks to conserve and enhance Mississippi’s natural resources, to
provide continuing outdoor recreational opportunities, to maintain the
ecological integrity and aesthetic quality of the resources and to
ensure socioeconomic and educational opportunities for present and
future generations.

For comments or queries regarding this strategy,

please contact:

Charles Knight
[email protected]

Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
Mississippi Museum of Natural Science
2148 Riverside Drive
Jackson, MS 39202


Charles Knight and Elizabeth Barber, CWCS Coordinators
Photos by the Mississippi Museum of Natural Science, except where noted.
Illustrations by Sam Beibers from Endangered Species of Mississippi.
Maps by Nick Winstead, MMNS

Suggested Citation Format:

Mississippi Museum of Natural Science. 2005. Mississippi’s Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy.
Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks, Mississippi Museum of Natural Science, Jackson,

The MDWFP is an equal opportunity employer and provider of programs and services. If anyone believes they have been
subjected to discrimination on the basis of political affiliation, race color, national origin, marital status, sex, religion, creed,
age or disability, they may file a complaint alleging discrimination with either the MDWFP, P. O. Box 451, Jackson, MS
39205-0451, or the U.S. Equal Opportunities Commission, 1810 L. Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20507

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