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Holmes, J.S., and J.H. Foster. 1908. A study of forest conditions of southwestern Mississippi.
Mississippi State Geological Survey, Bulletin No. 5. Brandon Print Co. 56 pp. + map.

Johnson, Joseph, Herby Bloodworth, David Summers. 2002. Agricultural land and water use in
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Kushlan, James A. et. al. 2002. Waterbird Conservation for the Americas: The North American
Waterbird Conservation Plan, Version 1. Waterbird Conservation for the Americas, Washington, DC, U.
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report to the nation on the distribution, abundance, and health of U.S. plants, animals, and ecosystems.
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Leonard, Steve, Julie Moore, and L. Mike Duran. 2000. Mississippi Military Department Biological
Inventory, Camp Shelby, 1994-1999. Prepared by Mississippi Natural Heritage Program, MDWFP and
The Nature Conservancy, Mississippi Field Office, 339 pp., incl. appendices.

Lowe, E.N. 1921. Plants of Mississippi; a list of flowering plants and ferns. Mississippi State Geological
Survey Bull. No. 17. 292 pp.

Lukens, R.R. 1981. Ichthyofaunal colonization of a new artificial reef in the northern Gulf of Mexico.
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Martin, W.H., S.G. Boyce, and A.C. Echternacht (Eds.). 1993. Biodiversity of the Southeastern United
States: upland terrestrial communities. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New, York. 373 pp.

Martin, W.H., S.G. Boyce, and A.C. Echternacht (Eds.). 1993. Biodiversity of the Southeastern United
States: lowland terrestrial communities. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York. 502 pp.

Master, Lawrence E., Stephanie R. Flack and Bruce A. Stein, eds. 1998. Rivers of Life: Critical
Watersheds for Protecting Freshwater Biodiversity. The Nature Conservancy: Arlington, Virginia,

Maybury, Kathleen P., editor. 1999. Seeing the Forest and the Trees: Ecological Classification for
Conservation. The Nature Conservancy, Arlington, Virginia.

McDaniel, Sidney. 1986. Vegetation of the piney woods. pp. 173-182. IN N. Polk (Ed.) Mississippi's
piney woods (a human perspective). University Press of Mississippi, Jackson. 188 pp.

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