
(Jeff_L) #1


MDWFP will incorporate the data compiled for this effort into Mississippi's new Natural Heritage Program
database (Biotics) by the end of calendar year 2005 and any changes in status of species and their habitats
will be entered annually in this database and spatially. The SWG Coordinator and Technical Committee are
responsible for implementing the annual review and evaluation of the CWCS and will report annually to the
Executive Director and the Advisory Committee.

The SWG Coordinator and Technical Committee will conduct an annual, five and ten year assessment
using the original eight elements, along with other guidance and criteria as they become available. The
Steering Committee will oversee the review and revision process and will ensure that the CWCS continues
to follow the eight elements.

The following is a proposed calendar for review and revision of Mississippi's CWCS

FY 2006 Approval of CWCS by USFWS and Congress
Establish permanent Advisory, Technical and Steering Committees
Complete move to Biotics
Incorporate CWCS into MDWFP Strategic Plan

FY 2007 Hire SWG Coordinator and provide first Annual Review with Advisory Committee
Identify Conservation Priority Areas for State and Potential Partners for
Implementing Conservation Actions

FY 2008 Annual Review with Advisory Committee

FY 2009 Annual Review with Advisory Committee

FY 2010 Five Year Review and Revision

FY 2011 Annual Review with Advisory Committee

FY 2012 Annual Review with Advisory Committee

FY 2013 Annual Review with Advisory Committee

Begin Ten Year Comprehensive Revision

FY 2014 Annual Review with Advisory Committee
Continue with Ten Year Comprehensive Revision

FY 2015 Complete and submit Second Version of CWCS
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