
(Jeff_L) #1


The Nature Conservancy, 2001. East Gulf Coastal Plain Ecoregional Plan. The Nature Conservancy,
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U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 1971. National shoreline study, regional inventory report: South
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64 pp. + appen.

U.S. Department of Agriculture Farm Services Agency Conservation Reserve Program Report.
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US Fish and Wildlife Service. 2005. Habitats of the Mississippi Sandhill Crane National Wildlife

USDA River Basin Survey Staff. Mississippi Water and Related Land Resources. Main Report (Phase
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Vittor, B.A. 1982. Benthic macroinfauna community characterization in Mississippi Sound and adjacent
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441 pp. + maps.

Wahlenberg, W.G. 1946. Longleaf pine, its use, ecology, regeneration, protection, growth, and
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Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary. 1983. Merriam-Webster Inc. Springfield, Massachusetts.

White, D.A. 1983. Plant Communities of the Lower Pearl River Basin, Louisiana. The Am. Midl. Nat.

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