
(Jeff_L) #1


Mississippi's Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy is the result of a multi-year, broad
collective effort that involved the participation of many individuals, including staff within several
divisions of the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks, as well as representatives from
several other local, state and federal agencies, conservation organizations, industry and academia. We
extend our deepest thanks to everyone who contributed their time, energy, knowledge and resources in
the development of the Strategy. Your patience and devotion to the process has improved the final
product immeasurably.

While this first version of Mississippi's CWCS is a visible product of the hard work and long hours of
planning, it is merely one result of the important process that has begun to improve biodiversity in our
state. Of more value is the new collaboration among resource agencies, organizations, business and
academia that began with the development of the Advisory Committee. The ultimate test of this strategy
will be the success of future partnerships that evolve from this planning process to implement the
recommendations of this CWCS.

Very special thanks goes to the following individuals who were directly involved in the development of
Mississippi's CWCS.

CWCS Coordinators

Charles Knight
Elizabeth Barber


CWCS Technical Committee

Bubba Hubbard
Bill Johnson
Tom Mann
Scott Peyton
Alison Sherman
Kathy Shelton

Heather Sullivan
Randy Spencer
Jenny Thompson
Nick Winstead
Ron Wieland
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