
(Jeff_L) #1


The Nature Conservancy, Tennessee Chapter
US Army Corps of Engineers, Vicksburg and Mobile Districts
US Fish and Wildlife Service
US Forest Service
US Geological Survey - Water Resources Division
US Navy, Naval Air Station, Meridian
USAE Research and Development Center, Environmental Lab
USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Services
USDA Farm Services Agency
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
USDA NRCS Wildlife Habitat Management Institute
Watkins, Ludlam, Stennis
Weyerhaeuser Company
Wolf River Conservancy, Tennessee

We want to extend very special thanks to the organizations and agencies who, at a national level,
provided guidance, data, advice and input throughout the process, including the Audubon Society,
Defenders of Wildlife, International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, National Wildlife
Federation, The Nature Conservancy, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Organization of Wildlife

We want to thank MDWFP Executive Director Dr. Sam Polles, MMNS Executive Director Elizabeth
Hartfield and the Mississippi Commission on Wildlife Fisheries and Parks for their commitment to this
process and for all their support and encouragement throughout the development of this CWCS.

Thanks also to Latoya Turner, Meredith Montgomery, Corey Wright and Rebecca Gruenberg for their
assistance in data acquisition, data entry, document preparation and meeting facilitation.

Mississippi's CWCS was organized and typeset by Elizabeth Barber and Kim Smith of Barber and
Mann, Inc.

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