
(Jeff_L) #1


In early 2004, MDWFP invited by personal invitation, e-mail, web announcements and mail,
representatives from over 290 natural resources agencies, conservation organizations, agriculture and
forest products industries, technical experts, conservation educators and academics as well as individuals
and additional MDWFP district and other staff to participate in a large working stakeholder group called
the Advisory Committee. This Advisory Committee met quarterly beginning in the summer of 2004,
and corresponded in between working meetings to review and develop sections of the strategy. Their
role was to provide input and advice during the development of the strategy: to recommend existing
plans or strategies for incorporation; and to review and comment on drafts of the strategy prior to
submission. All Advisory Committee meetings were also posted on the MDWFP website and the public
was invited to participate as well. Meetings were held in August 2004, November 2004, March 2005 and
June 2005. During these meetings, state CWCS Coordinators shared information on designation of
SGCN and habitats, identification of threats to SGCN and their habitats, potential conservation actions
and opportunities for collaboration with other agencies and organizations. Committee members provided
in put on all aspects of the plan and many participated in working groups.

Below is a list of 179 active participants in the CWCS Advisory Committee. Active members of the
Advisory Committee were individuals who attended meetings and/or reviewed parts of the CWCS draft
and submitted comments via mail or e-mail if they could not attend meetings.

Skipper Anding
Ray Aycock
Don Bales
Elizabeth Barber
Jeffrey Barger
David Barnes
Claiborne Barnwell
Marilyn Barrett-O'Leary
Brent Bailey
Rich Betchel
Laura Beiser
Mike Beiser
Don Brazil
Mike Buchanan
Chris Bucciantini
Wes Burger
Carol Brown
Kacy Campbell
Jayne Buttross
Rafael Calderon

Larry Castle
David Chadwick
Glynda Clardy
Jeff Clark
Bobby Cochran
Daniel Coggin
Chris Cole
Trey Cooke
Meg Cooper
Jim Copeland
Jeff DeMatteis
Dale Diaz
Foster Dickard
Rick Dillard
Steve Dinsmore
Daniel Drennan
Blaine Elliott
Deborah Epperson
Arnie Eversol
Robbie Fisher
Peter Scott Floyd
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