
(Jeff_L) #1


B. Population status if known (circle one): Increasing Stable Declining

Increasing- Population is increasing.
Stable- Population is stable.
Declining- Population is declining.

C. Your recommendation for Natural Heritage Program State Rank (circle one):

S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 SH SR SU SX Other______
See enclosed Definition of Ranks

D. Should this species be added to or removed from the Mississippi Endangered Species
List (circle one)?

Added Removed No change recommended

E. Justification if you are Recommending a Change of Natural Heritage Program State
Rank or a Change of Mississippi Endangered Species Status:

If you recommend a change of State Rank or recommend adding or removing a species to or from the Natural Heritage
Program - List of Special Animals or Mississippi State Endangered List, please include a justification for your recom-

III. Species Distribution and Habitat/Biological Community Assessment

A. Knowledge within the scientific community of distribution and key habitat/community
types in state (circle one):

High Medium Low

High - The distribution is known within the state.
Medium - Some places are known where the species can be found, but its
distribution statewide is not known.
Low- Little to nothing is known about the distribution within the state.

B. Key habitat/community types (please prioritize 1-5)
(if all Sub-types within a Type apply, only score Type):


Dry Upland Forests....................................... Dry hardwoods Mesic hardwoods
Dry longleaf pine ___Dry shortleaf/loblolly pine

Dry Mesic Prairie/Glade/Barrens.................. Northeast prairie Jackson prairies
Cedar glades ___Mesic shortleaf/loblolly pine

Mesic Upland Forests.................................... Beech/magnolia Loess hardwoods
Mesic longleaf/savanna ___Lower slope/high terrace hardwoods

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