Mesic Palustrine Forests................................Bottomland hardwoods ___Slash/longleaf pine flatwoods
Riverfront Forests/Herblands........................ Cottonwood/black willow/river birch
Wet Palustrine Forests...................................Wet bottomland hardwood ___Wet savanna
Springs, Seepage Slopes/Cliffs, Caves.......... Wooded spring seep Pine seep
Shrub Wetlands, Pocosin, Herb Bog............ Pitcher plant flat bog ___Titi shrub thicket
Inland Freshwater Marshes.......................... Freshwater marsh
Swamp Forests............................................. Bald cypress/blackgum ___Small stream swamp forest
Lacustrine Communities.............................. Oxbow lake Artificial pond
Reservoir ___Ephemeral pond
Rivers and Riverine Communities............... Alluvial creek Alluvial river
Blackwater creek/river
High to medium gradient/coarser substrate stream
Medium to lower gradient/fine substrate stream
Upland Maritime and Estuarine Fringe........ Island dry Island wet
Man-made beach ___Mainland beach
Submerged Marine........................................ Seagrass beds _ mollusk reef _Other____
Estuarine and Mississippi Sound.................. Estuarine lakes, tidal creeks, tidal channels ___Mississippi sound
Please provide priority number for this species’ key habitat/community type in space provided. Limit to top five or
fewer. Number I is the highest priority and Number 5 is the lowest priority.
If all Sub-types within a Type apply please only score Type.
C. Status of key habitat/community types if known (circle one): Increasing Stable Declining
Increasing- Key habitat/community types are increasing in area or quality within the state.
Stable- Key habitat/community types are stable within the state.
Declining- Key habitat/community type are declining in area or quality within the state.