
(Jeff_L) #1


IV. Species Population Management Assessment

A. Knowledge within the scientific community of threats/limiting factors/problems affecting species
(circle one):

High Medium Low

High - Much is known about the threats/limiting factors/problems affecting species.
Medium - Some is known about threats/limiting factors/problems, but reasons for population
changes are not fully understood.
Low- Little to nothing is known about the threats/limiting factors/problems affecting the species.

B. Major threats/limiting factors/problems affecting species (please prioritize 1-5):

____Agricultural Conversion ____Incompatible Resource Extraction Practices
____Air-borne Pollutants ____Incompatible Water Quality
____Altered Fire Regime ____Industrial Development
____Channel Modification ____Invasive Species
____Conversion to Pasture ____Livestock Feedlots/Operations
____Forestry Conversion ____Operation of Dams/Impoundments
____Groundwater Withdrawal ____Recreation Activities
____Incompatible Agricultural Practices ____Second Home/Vacation Home Development
____Incompatible Forestry Practices ____Urban/Suburban Development
____Incompatible Grazing Practices ____Road Construction/Management
____Over Exploitation/Incidental Capture ____Other ________________________
____Other ________________________ ____Other ________________________
Please provide priority number in space provided. Limit to top five or fewer. Number I is the highest priority and
Number 5 is the lowest priority.


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