
(Jeff_L) #1


C. Your recommendation for actions necessary to conserve species (prioritized) and feasibility of success of actions:
(A few examples of possible actions recommended include: status surveys, additional research, habitat management,
introduced species eradication, providing habitat corridors, species propagation, reintroduction, other. You may be
broad or narrow in making you recommendations)

  1. ____ High Medium Low

  2. ____ High Medium Low

  3. ____ High Medium Low

  4. No actions recommended ___: Not Feasible Currently Protected Other____

A few examples of possible actions recommended include: status surveys, additional research, habitat management,
introduced species eradication, providing habitat corridors, species propagation, reintroduction, other. You may be
broad or narrow in making recommendations.
Blank number 1 is highest priority and blank number 3 is lowest priority.
High- It is very likely that this action can be achieved and/or will have a
positive impact on the species.
Medium- It is somewhat likely that this action can be achieved and/or will have
a positive impact on the species.
Low- It is unlikely that this action can be achieved and/or will have a positive
impact on the species.
If no action is recommended please mark in space provided and circle primary reason.

V. Comments:

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