
(Jeff_L) #1


  • March 22, 2004 - Technical Committee Meeting

    • March 22, 2004 - Briefing with USFWS Federal Aid Coordinators

    • March 23, 2004 - Joint meeting with Landowner Incentive Program Coordinators (LIP)

    • March 9, 2004 - Conference Call with SEAFWA Adhoc Committee

    • May 7, 2004 - Meeting with Partners in Flight Coordinator

    • May 10, 2004 - Joint meeting with US Forest Service staff revising State Forest
      Management Plan

    • May 20, 2004 - Technical Committee Meeting

  • May 26, 2006 - Meeting with Southeastern Aquatic Resources Partnership contact for

  • June 16, 2004 - Technical Committee Meeting

  • June 25, 2004 - GIS Meeting with MDWFP GIS staff

  • June 30, 2004 - Technical Committee Meeting

  • July 12 - 14, 2004 - SEAFWA Ad Hoc Committee Meeting in Atlanta

  • July 19, 2004 - Technical Committee Meeting

  • July 20 - 21, 2004 - Presentation and coordination with Mississippi Bat Working Group

  • August 1- 4, 2005 - International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (IAFWA) One Year
    Out Conference for CWCS, Nebraska City, Nebraska

  • August 9, 2004 - Technical Committee Meeting

  • August 18, 2004 - Steering Committee Meeting

  • August 20, 2004 - Advisory Committee Meeting

  • September 3, 2004 - Technical Committee Meeting

  • September 8, 2004 - Presentation to Mississippi Forestry Association Wildlife and
    Environmental Committee

  • September 14, 2004 - Mississippi All Bird Conservation Workshop Presentation on CWCS

  • September 22, 2004 - Meeting with USFS and Conservation Southeast Staff regarding using
    SGCN in Species Viability database for revision of State Forest Management Plan

  • October 8, 2004 - Technical Committee Meeting

  • October 13, 2004 - Meeting with border state's CWCS planners in Vicksburg

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