
(Jeff_L) #1



Table of Contents

Executive Summary .................................................................................................................... 1

Hurricane Katrina’s Impact ...................................................................................................... 11

Chapter I. Introduction and Purpose ...................................................................................... 13

Chapter II. Approach and Method ........................................................................................... 17

  1. Organizational Structure and Committees

  2. Stakeholder and Public Input

  3. Coordination with Other Agencies

  4. Criteria for Selecting and Prioritizing Species of Greatest Conservation Need

  5. Mississippi’s Species of Greatest Conservation Need

  6. Classifying and Ranking Wildlife Habitats in Mississippi

  7. Identifying Threats and Conservation Actions for Species and their Habitats

  8. References for this Section

Chapter III. Mississippi’s Ecological Framework - Ecoregions of Mississippi ....................... 61

  1. East Gulf Coastal Plain Ecoregion

  2. Mississippi River Alluvial Plain Ecoregion

  3. Upper East Gulf Coastal Plain Ecoregion

  4. Northern Gulf of Mexico Ecoregion

  5. References for this Section

Chapter IV. Wildlife Habitats for Mississippi’s SGCN,
Threats and Conservation Actions .......................................................................................... 77

  1. Introduction

  2. A Guide to Using this Section

  3. Habitat Types and Subtypes

    1. Dry-Mesic Upland Forests/Woodlands ..................................................... 87
      1.1 Dry Hardwood Forests
      1.2 Dry Longleaf Pine Forests
      1.3 Dry-Mesic Hardwood Forests
      1.4 Dry-Mesic Shortleaf/Loblolly Pine Forests

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