T. Urban/Suburban Development
Includes primary home construction as well as development of associated infrastructure (e.g. subdivision
roads and driveways, sewer and stormwater utilities). Impacts may include habitat destruction,
disturbance, fragmentation and introduction of invasive species.
U. Road Construction
Includes development and management of roads and associated utility corridors that result in excessive
releases of sediment and chemicals, or provide a vector for non-native species, as well as vegetation
management practices that are environmentally “unfriendly” such as indiscriminant use of herbicides.
Also can cause habitat fragmentation.
V. Head-cutting
A process caused by stream channel alteration that results in long stretches of stream erosion and bank
destabilization which move progressively upstream. Most of these streams ultimately become broad,
with shallow channels, unstable substrate and little or no canopy cover.
W. Miscellaneous Threats
Additional problems identified by the CWCS Expert Team, Advisory and/or Technical Committee that
may be specific to certain habitat types. Examples are marine debris and excessive predation.
For each threat identified as important to priority habitat types and subtypes for SGCN, the Expert
Team, via the survey instrument, and Technical Committee developed a comprehensive list of
conservation actions that would reduce the effect of the threat. The Advisory Committee members
further refined the list of appropriate actions and added others. A list of priority conservation actions
recommended for each habitat subtype and associated species of greatest conservation need is included
in Chapter IV.
The following is the master list of 30 recommended conservation actions divided into four categories
that were adapted from the Conservation Measures Partnership Proposed Taxonomy of Conservation
Actions. Those categories are:
Education and Awareness Planning and Policy
Habitat and Species Management Research and Survey