Physics and Radiobiology of Nuclear Medicine

(Jeff_L) #1

tries connecting through PACS’ different healthcare institutions for ex-
change of patient care information. By virtue of teleradiology, a radiologist
or a nuclear physician can retrieve and interpret diagnostic images from a
distant hospital and send back the report to the original hospital. This type
of practice has resulted in outsourcing practitioners at a lower cost from
one country to interpret imaging scans performed in another country, where
the practitioner’s pay is high.


  1. What is a binary number? Express the decimal number 23 in binary

  2. What is the difference between RAM and ROM memory?

  3. The speed of a computer depends on the size of RAM memory and
    faster electrical components in the computer. True or false?

  4. Why are parallel buses more effcient than serial buses in the computer?

  5. Resolution of digital images are poorer than analog images. True or
    false? Explain why.

  6. Which of the two matrices gives better resolution—64 ×64 or 128 ×128?

  7. Describe the method and advantages and disadvantages of the list mode
    acquisition and the frame mode acquisition.

  8. Which mode would you use—byte mode or word mode—in static studies
    versus dynamic studies? Explain.

  9. What is the essential difference between the Anger type analog camera
    and the “all-digital” camera?

Suggested Readings

Bushberg JT, Seibert JA, Leidholdt, Jr EM, Boone JM.The Essential Physics of
Medical Imaging.2nd ed. Philadelphia: Lippineott, Williams & Wilkins; 2002.
Lee K.Computers in Nuclear Medicine: A Practical Approach.New York: Society
of Nuclear Medicine; 1992.
Royal HD, Parker JA, Holman BL. Basic principles of computers. In: Sandler MP,
Coleman RE, Wackers FJT, et al., eds.Diagnostic Nuclear Medicine.3rd ed.
Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins; 1995:93.

152 11. Digital Computers in Nuclear Medicine

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