Physics and Radiobiology of Nuclear Medicine

(Jeff_L) #1

be labeled, unless the label on the syringe or vial is visible through the
shield. Although syringe shields are not required by the NRC regulations
for administration of radiopharmaceuticals, they should be used to main-
tain ALARA exposures.

Surveys of Ambient Radiation Exposure Rate

According to 10CFR35.70, the NRC requires that the licensee shall survey
all areas where unsealed by-product material requiring a written directive
was prepared for use or administered. The survey must be performed at the
end of each day of use with a radiation detection instrument. In addition,
according to 10CFR20, surveys must be conducted in areas of radiation use
to maintain ALARA principles.

Calibration of Survey Instruments

According to 10CFR35.61, the survey meter must be calibrated before its
first use, annually, and after repairs that affect calibration. Calibration must
be made in all scales with readings up to 1000 mrem (10 mSv) per hour with
a radiation source, and two separated readings must be calibrated on each
scale or decade (digital) that is used to show compliance. The date and the
results of calibration must be noted on the instrument. The licensee may
not use the survey instruments if the difference between the indicated expo-
sure rate and the calculated exposure rate is more than 20%.
The requirement for wipe testing of various areas of use for removable
contamination has been eliminated in new 10CFR35 regulations. However,
it is advisable to adopt wipe testing for removable contamination as part of
the ALARA prcinciple.

Training and Experience Requirements for Medical Uses

of By-Product Materials

Authorized users, radiation safety officers, and nuclear pharmacists are
required to have appropriate training and experience for medical uses of
by-product materials. Normally there are two methods of approval: (1) cer-
tification by a specific medical specialty board, and (2) training and work
experience in radionuclide handling techniques applicable to specific
medical use of by-product material. The names of the boards recognized by
the NRC are posted on the NRC Web site. For recognition, each board must
meet all requirements of the training and work experience in a specific cat-
egory described below and be approved by the NRC.
The training part includes a specified period of didactic classroom and
laboratory training in the areas of (a) radiation physics and instrumenta-

Medical Uses of Radioactive Materials 287
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