Physics and Radiobiology of Nuclear Medicine

(Jeff_L) #1

292 16. Radiation Regulations and Protection

Table16.4. Recordkeeping of various activities related to radioactive materials.
Time to maintain
Type of operation Information needed the records

Written directives Copy of the written directives 3 years
Procedures requiring written Copy of the procedures Duration of the
directives (10CFR35.2041) license
Dosage of Name, lot number, expiration date, 3 years
radiopharmaceuticals patient’s name or identification
dispensed (10CFR35.2063) number, prescribed dosage and
dispensed dosage, date and time of
administration, and name of the
Calibration of dose calibrator Model, serial number of the dose 3 years
(10CFR35.2060) calibrator, date and results of test,
and name of the individual
Calibration of survey meters Model and serial number of the 3 years
(10CFR35.2061) instrument, date and results of
calibration, and name of the
Semiannual leak tests and Model and serial number of each 3 years
inventory of sealed source and its radionuclide,
sources (10CFR35.2067) estimated activity, measured activity
in mCi (Bq), date of test, location of
source (inventory), and name of the
Moly breakthrough mCi (kBq) of^99 Mo per mCi (MBq) of 3 years
(10CFR35.2204) 99mTc, date and time of measurement,
name of the individual
Thyroid bioassay and whole Name of the individual having the Until the NRC
body counting bioassay, date of reading, and the terminates the
(10CFR20.2106) individual taking the measurement license
Personnel exposure Must be on NRC-5 form according to Until the NRC
monitoring records items described in the form terminates the
(10CFR20.2106) license
Radioactive waste disposal Date of disposal, instrument used, 3 years
by decay-in-storage background reading, and surface
(10CFR35.2092) reading of the waste container, and
the name of the individual
Planned special procedures Circumstances, name of authorizing Until the NRC
(10CFR20.2105) individual, doses expected terminates the
Surveys (10CFR35.2070) Date, area, trigger level (mR/hr), 3 years
survey data, instrument used, and
name of the individual
Release of patients with Basis of calculation to release the 3 years
unsealed by-product patient, such as retained activity,
material (10CFR35.2075) occupancy factor less than 0.25 at 1
meter, using Tpor Te, or considering
shielding by tissue
Instructions given to breast- Instruction given if dose to the infant 3 years
feeding female exceeds 0.5 rem (5 mSv)

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