not explain why he would not tilt slightly toward value given its apparently
superior risk/return profile. Hence, these horizon and tracking error issues
canexplain why money managers do not more aggressively “arbitrage” the
differences in returns across value and glamour stocks, but they cannotex-
plain why such differences are there in the first place. In our view, such re-
turn differences are ultimately explained by the tendency of investors to
make judgmental errors and perhaps also by a tendency for institutional in-
vestors to actively tilt toward glamour to make their lives easier.
Are the anomalous excess returns on value stocks likely to persist? It is
possible that over time more investors will become convinced of the value
of being a contrarian with a long horizon and the returns to value strategies
will fall. Perhaps the recent move into disciplined quantitative investment
strategies, evaluated based only on performance and not on individual
stock picks, will increase the demand for value stocks and reduce the agency
problems that result in picking glamour stocks. Such sea changes rarely
occur overnight, however. The time-series and cross-country evidence sup-
port the idea that the behavioral and institutional factors underlying the
higher returns to value stocks have been pervasive and enduring features of
equity markets.
Perhaps the most interesting implication of the conjecture that institu-
tional investors gravitate toward glamour stocks is that this may explain
their inferior performance. In an earlier article, we focused on the striking
underperformance of pension fund money managers relative to the market
index (Lakonishok, Shleifer, and Vishny 1992b). The large difference in re-
turns on glamour and value stocks can, at least in principle, explain why
money managers have underperformed the market by over 100 basis points
per year before accounting for management fees. By looking at the actual
portfolios of institutional money managers, one can find out whether they
have been overinvested in glamour stocks and underinvested in value
stocks. We plan to do that in a follow-up article.