
(C. Jardin) #1

heard the truly great creators, the truly great problem solvers, say, when you give them a
problem, “hmmmm. .. let me be with it for a while..

Of course.

Well, this is what they are talking about. And you can do the same thing. You can be a great
problem-solver, too. But not if you imagine you are going to unravel the riddle by thinking
about it. No! To be a genius, you have to be out of your mind!

A genius is not one who creates an answer, but who discovers that the answer has always
been there. A genius does not create the solution, but finds the solution.

This is not really a discovery, but a recovery! The genius hasn’t discovered anything but has
simply recovered what was lost. It “was lost, but now it is found.” The genius is someone who
has remembered what all of you have forgotten.

One thing that most of you have forgotten is that all things exist in the Eternal Moment of
Now. All solutions, all answers, all experiences, all understanding. in truth, there is nothing for
you to have to create. All that is necessary is for you to become aware that everything you
wish and everything you seek has already been created.

This is something that most of you have forgotten. That is why I have sent others to remind
you, saying, “Even before you ask, you have been answered.”

I would not tell you these things were they not so. Yet you cannot move to a state of
awareness regarding all these things by thinking about them. You cannot “think aware,” you
can only “be aware.”

Awareness is a state of being. Therefore, if you are perplexed or puzzled about something in
life, you must not mind. And when you have a problem, pay it no mind. And when you are
surrounded by negativity, negative forces, and negative emotions, do not mind a thing.

When you “mind” it, you obey it! Do you not see? You are controlled by it, because you are
minding it. Do not be as children, who mind their parents. Get out of your mind.

Remember, you are a human being, not a human minding. Move, therefore, into beingness.

What does that mean? I don’t know what the hell that means!

What are you being right now?

Agitated. I’m agitated because You’re losing me with all this mumbo-jumbo.

Ah, so you do know what you are being!

No, that’s how I’m feeling. I’m feeling agitated.

Then that is what you are being. What you are feeling is what you are being. Have I not told
you that feeling is the language of the soul?

Well, yes, but I didn’t understand it quite in this way.

Good. So now you are being more understanding. Yes, a little.

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