
(C. Jardin) #1

meat on Friday (He’s changed His mind on that, though), or pork any day of the week, or get
a divorce. This is a God you will anger by failing to cover your female face with a veil, by not
visiting Mecca in your lifetime, by failing to stop all activities, roll out your carpet, and
prostrate yourself five times a day, by not marrying in the temple, by failing to go to
confession or attending church every Sunday, whatever.

We have to be careful with God. The only problem is that it’s hard to know the rules, because
there are so many. And the most difficult thing is that everyone’s rules are right. Or so they
say. Yet they can’t all be right. So how to choose, how to know? It’s a nagging question, and
not an unimportant one, given God’s apparently small margin for error here.

Now along comes a book called Friendship with God. What can this mean? How can it be? Is
it possible that God is not the Holy Desperado after all? Could it be that unbaptized babies do
go to heaven? That wearing a veil or bowing to the East, remaining celibate or abstaining
from pork have nothing to do with anything? That Allah loves us without condition? That
Jehovah will select all of us to be with Him when the days of glory are at hand?

More fundamentally earthshaking, is it possible that we shouldn’t be referring to God as “Him”
at all? Could God be a woman? Or, even more unbelievably, without gender?

For a person raised as I was, even thinking such thoughts can be considered a sin.

Yet we have to think them. We have to challenge them. Our blind faith has led us down a
blind alley. The human race has not progressed very far in the past two thousand years in
terms of its spiritual evolution. We’ve heard teacher after teacher, master after master, lesson
after lesson, and we’re still exhibiting the same behaviors that have produced misery for our
species since the beginning of time.

We’re still killing our own kind, running our world on power and greed, sexually repressing our
society, mistreating and maleducating our children, ignoring suffering, and, indeed, creating it.

It has been two thousand years since the birth of Christ, twenty-five hundred since the time of
the Buddha, and more since we first heard the words of Confucius, or the wisdom of the Tao,
and we still haven’t gotten the Main Questions figured out. Will there ever be a way to turn
the answers we have already received into something workable, something that can function
in our day-to-day lives?

I think there is. And I feel pretty certain about it, because I’ve discussed it a lot in my
conversations with God.



The question I have been most frequently asked is: “How do you know you’ve really been
talking to God? How do you know it’s not your imagination? Or, worse yet, the devil, trying to
trick you?”

The second-most asked question: “Why you? Why did God pick you?”

And the third: “What’s life been like since all this happened? How have things changed?”

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