
(C. Jardin) #1

Life is eternal. Death does not exist.

I’m sorry to have even asked that question. I should, by now, never doubt these things.


Never. A true Master like The Buddha, a Master like Krishna, like Jesus, never doubts.

What about, “Father, why hast Thou forsaken Me?”

Well, that was... I don’t know. I don’t know what that was.

Doubt, My son. That was doubt. If only for a moment, if only for a second. So, know this, My
friend: every Master visits his Garden of Gethsemane. There, she asks the questions every
Master asks. Could this be true? Have I made this all up? Is it really God’s will that I drink
from this cup? Or could it pass from my lips?

I have some of those questions sometimes, and I’m not ashamed to admit it.

It would be easier for you, I know, if you were not talking to Me right now. In many ways, it
would be easier. You could release all this, let all this go—all this responsibility that you have
taken on to bring a message to the human race, and to help change the world; all this public
attention you have drawn to yourself, which has placed your life in such a spotlight.

Yet, I see that it is your will that you go on. It was your will that all that has occurred in your
life should occur. All the incidents of your life have led you to this moment.

You were given the perfect mother and the perfect father to prepare you for this assignment
you have given yourself; the perfect family situation and the perfect childhood.

You were given raw talents in communication, and the chance to develop those talents. You
were put in just the right place at just the right time, and others were put there with you, in
just the right way.

That is why you met jay Jackson, and why he had such a profound impact on your life. It is
why you have worked among Blacks in Baltimore, southern whites, the natives of Africa, the
people of Ecuador. It is why you have joined in friendship and meaningful conversation with
oppressed and fearful people who have nothing, living under totalitarian regimes in foreign
lands, and with world-famous movie stars and television personalities and political leaders
who have everything, living in your own country.

Nothing has happened to you by accident, nothing has occurred by chance. It has been
called forth, all of it, that you may experience arid know what you choose to experience and
know, that you may experience the grandest version of the greatest vision ever you held
about Who You Are.

I take it, then, that out of the same category came my meeting with Joe Alton.

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