
(C. Jardin) #1

I’m going to say that again, because there’s a possibility you may have missed it. I said, The
world around you is exactly what you’ve had in mind.

What you have carried in your mind about the world is what you will see around the world.
What you carry in your mind about your life is what you will see in your life.

If I have been using you for My purposes (as you have framed them in your limited
understanding), I must be a very inefficient God. I can’t seem to get anything done! Even
using you as My Messenger and assistant, even sending to Earth My only begotten Son (as
some of you would have it), I have been unable to turn the tide, to change the course of
events, to create the world of My desires. Could it be that My purpose has been to create the
world as it is? Of course not... unless... My purpose has been for you to create the world as
you choose. In that case, you have served My purpose, and I have been “using” you.

Yet you have also been “using” Me, because it is only through the creative power that resides
within you—power given to you by Me—that you have been able to create the world of your

This is the world of my dreams?

If you had not dreamed it, it could not be.

Many days, this seems like the world of my worst nightmares.

Nightmares are dreams as well. They are particular kinds of dreams.

How do I get rid of them?

Change your mind about what you hold in mind about the world. It is part of that same
process of which I spoke earlier. Think about what you’re going to think about. Think on
things good and wondrous. Think of moments of splendor, visions of glory, expressions of

“Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven, and all else will be added unto you.


And use You, use God, in the process?

God is the process. The process is what I Am. It is the process you call Life. You cannot not
use Me. You can only not know that you are. Yet if you use Me consciously, if you use Me
with awareness and with intention, all things will change.

This is Step Five in creating a friendship with God. Use God.

Please tell me how to do that. It still seems so strange to think of it in those terms. I need You
to help me understand what it means to use God.

It means to use all the tools and gifts I have given you.

The gift of creative energy, which allows you to form your reality and create your experience
with your thoughts, words, and deeds.

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