
(C. Jardin) #1

I am totally loving, and to be totally loving means to be willing to give every mature sentient
being total freedom to be, do, and have that which they wish.

Even if you know it will be bad for them?

It is not for you to decide that for them.

Not even for our children?

If they are mature sentient beings, no. If they are grown children, no. And if they are not yet
mature, the fastest way to lead them to their own maturity is to allow them the freedom to
make as many choices as possible as early as practical.

This is what love does. Love lets go. That which you call need, and which you often confuse
with love, does the opposite. Need holds on. This is the way you can tell the difference
between love and need. Love lets go, need holds on.

So to be totally loving, I let go?

Among other things, yes. Let go of expectation, let go of requirements and rules and
regulations that you would impose on your loved ones. For they are not loved if they are
restricted. Not totally.

Nor are you. You do not love yourself totally when you restrict yourself, when you grant
yourself less than total freedom, in any matter.

Yet remember that choices are not restrictions. So do not call the choices you have made
restrictions. And lovingly provide for your offspring, and all your loved ones, all the
information that you feel you may have, to help them make good choices—”good” being
defined here as those choices most likely to produce a particular desired result, as well as
what you know to be their largest desired result: a happy life.

Share what you know about that. Offer what you have come to understand. Yet do not seek
to impose your ideas, your rules, your choices upon another. And do not withhold your love
should another make choices you would not make. Indeed, if you believe their choices to
have been poor ones, that is precisely the time to show your love.

That is compassion, and there is no higher expression.

What else does it mean to be totally loving?

It means to be fully present, in every single moment. To be fully aware. To be fully open,
honest, transparent. It means to be fully willing, to express the love that is in your heart full
out. To be fully loving means to be fully naked, without hidden agenda or hidden motive,
without hidden anything.

And You say that it is possible for human beings, for regular people like me, to achieve such
love? This is something of which we are all capable?

It is more than that of which you are capable. It is that which you are. This is the nature of
Who You Are. The most difficult thing that you do is to deny that. And you are doing this

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