
(C. Jardin) #1

I am sorry to say that many people, however, will not take the first step in their relationship
with Me. They find it impossible to believe that I would have a real conversation with them,
and so they limit their experience of Me to one-way interactions—what most would call
prayer. They talk to Me, but not with Me.

Some of those who talk to Me have a high level of faith that I am hearing their words. Yet
even they do not expect to hear Mine. So they look for signs. They say, “God, give me a
sign.” Yet when I give them a sign in the most common way that they can think of—by using
the very language which they speak—they deny Me. And I tell you this: some of you will yet
deny Me. Not only will you deny that this is a sign, you will deny that receiving such a sign is
even possible.
Yet I tell you this: nothing is impossible in God’s world. I have not stopped talking directly with
you, and I never will.
You may not always hear clearly, or interpret with complete accuracy, what I have to say, but
as long as you try, as long as you keep the dialogue open, you give our friendship a chance.
And as long as you give God a chance, you will never be alone, never face any important
question by yourself, never be without an instant resource in a time of need, and, yes, always
have a home in My heart. This is what it means to have a friendship with God.

And that friendship is open to everyone?


Regardless of their beliefs, regardless of their religion?

Regardless of their beliefs, regardless of their religion. Or lack of religion?

Or lack of religion.

Anybody can have a friendship with God, at any time, is that right?

You all do have a friendship with God. Some of you just don’t know it. As I have already said.

I know that we are repeating ourselves, but I want to make sure, I want to make absolutely
certain that I get this right. You just talked about how we don’t always interpret everything
completely accurately, and this is one thing I want to get as accurately as I can. I want there
to be no mistake about this. You are saying that there is no “right way” to God?

That is what I am saying. Exactly, precisely, unequivocally. There are a thousand paths to
God, and every one gets you there.

So we can, at last, bring an end to “better” about God. We can stop saying that “ours is the
better God.”

Yes, you can. But will you? That is the question. It will require you to give up your ideas of
superiority, and that is the most seductive idea human beings ever had. It has seduced the
entire human race. It has justified the wholesale slaughter of members of your own species,
and every other species of sentient being on your planet.
This one single thought, this one idea that you have, that you are somehow better than
someone else, has caused all the heartache, all the suffering, all the cruelty, all the
inhumanity that you have inflicted upon each other.

You’ve made this point before.

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