
(C. Jardin) #1

for yourself in order to avoid the hell that you imagine that you will avoid by creating the hell
that you are creating.

You are talking about one form of surviving—eternal life— and I am talking about another
form: Who We Are right now, right here. ‘What if we like who we are right here, right now, and
we don’t want to see anything or anybody change that?

You do not know Who You Really Are, right here, right now. If you did, you would never do
the things you do. You would never have to.

But you aren’t addressing the issue. ‘What if we happen to like who we are right here, right
now, and don’t want to see anything or anybody change that?

Then you would not be Who You Really Are. You would only be who you think you are, here
and now. And you would be attempting the impossible, which is to always remain who you
think you are. This you cannot do.

I don’t get it. You’ve lost me.

Who You Are is life. You are life itself! And what is life? It is a process. And what is that
process? It is evolution... or what you would call change.
Everything in life changes! Everything!
Life is change. That is what Life is. When you put an end to change, you put an end to life.
Yet that you cannot do. And so you create a living hell, trying to do something you cannot do,
efforting and straining to remain unchanged, when Who You Are is change itself. You are
that which changes.

But some things change for the better, and some things change for the worse! All I am doing
is trying to stop the changes for the worse.

There is no such thing as “better” or “worse.” You just made that all up. You decide what to
call better and what to call worse.

Okay, but what if I call it better to stay alive in my present physical form than to die? I call that
a change for the worse! Surely You are not saying that if I do have cancer in my body I
should do nothing, because life is eternal, and if my life in this body ends because of my
inaction, so what? Surely You’re not saying that— are You?

I am saying that every act is an act of Self-definition. That is all you are doing here. You are
defining and creating, expressing and experiencing, who you think you are. In short, you are
evolving. How you evolve is your choice. That you evolve is not.
If you are a being who chooses to cut out a cancer within you in order to preserve your larger
life form, then you will demonstrate that.
If you are a being who sees others of your species as a cancer because they are different
from you, or disagree with you, you will demonstrate that. Indeed, many of you already have
demonstrated that.
I am going to now invite you to see life in an entirely new way. I am going to invite you to view
life as nothing more than a continuing process of change.
Think of it this way: everything is changing, all of the time. That includes you. You are both
the changer and the changed. That is because, even as you are changing, you are causing
the change in your Self and in the world around you.

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