
(C. Jardin) #1

Well, do you not want the answer?

Of course I want the answer.

Good, because I have just given it to you.

If that’s true, I’m going to have to think about this. If that’s true, it feels as though there is now
nothing in place to stop us from doing incredible damage to each other, all under the guise of
simply believing that everything in the Universe agrees with what we are doing. I am just
deeply troubled by that. I don’t know how to deal with it. The doctrine of right and wrong, of
crime and punishment, good and evil, everlasting reward and everlasting damnation—all
those things which control us, all those things which give hope to the oppressed, all of them
are wiped out by this message. If we don’t have a new message to replace it, I’m afraid for
the human race, and the new depths of depravity to which it could go.

But you do have a new message. It is, at last, The Truth. And this message is the only
message that can save the world. The old message has not done that. Do you not see this?
Is this not clear to you? The old message, which you say has given humanity hope, has
brought you none of the results you’ve hoped for.
That old message of right and wrong, crime and punishment, good and evil, everlasting
rewarding and everlasting damnation, has done nothing to end the suffering on your planet,
to end the killing on your planet, to end the torture that you are inflicting upon yourselves.
And that is because it is a message of separation.
There is only one message that can change the course of human history forever, end the
torture, and bring you back to God. That message is The New Gospel: WE ARE ALL ONE.
From this New Gospel emerges a new message of total responsibility, telling you that you are
totally responsible for what you are choosing, that you are choosing it all together, and that
the only way to change your choices is to change them all together.
You will not end the torture of yourselves so long as you imagine yourselves to be merely
torturing another. You will only end the torture when you are clear that you are, in fact,
torturing yourself.
This you can only see when you understand, completely, that it is impossible to do anything
against the will of another. Only in that moment of clarity can you glimpse what you would
have thought to be an impossible truth. You are doing all of this to yourselves.
And this truth you cannot see unless you understand, embrace, and live The New Gospel.
Therefore, of course you cannot do anything to another that has not at some level been co-
created with you. That would be possible only if we are not All One. Yet, WE ARE ALL ONE.
There is only one of Us. We are creating this reality together.
Do you understand the implications of this? Do you see its awesome impact?
Go now, therefore, and teach ye all nations. Teach that what you do for another, you do for
your Self, and what you fail to do for another, you fail to do for your Self. Do unto others as
you would have it done unto you, because it is being done unto you!
That is the Golden Rule. And now you understand it, completely.



Why are these wonderful truths not taught to us in this way from the beginning? As beautiful
as the Golden Rule was before, now it makes even more sense. It is perfectly symmetrical.

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