
(C. Jardin) #1

This first cause is life itself, expressing in physical form.
It is life, in formation. No one can disagree with this, because this is obviously “what’s so.”
You can, however, argue forever (and you have!) over how to describe this process, what to
call it, what to infer from it, what to conclude.
Yet I have told you, this is God. This is what you mean, what you have always meant, by the
word God. God is first cause. Unmoved Mover. That Which Was before That Which Is, was.
That Which Will Be after That Which Now Is, is no longer. The Alpha and the Omega. The
Beginning and the End.
Again I tell you, the words life and God are interchangeable. If the process you are observing
is the process of life in formation, then it is as I have said to you before:
you are all Gods in formation. That is, you are God’s Information.

Okay, I suppose.., but what does this have to do with anything—least of all, politics?

If spirituality is really another word for life, then that which is spiritual is life affirming. To inject
spirituality into your politics, therefore, would be to make all political activities and all political
decisions life affirming.
Indeed, this is what you are trying to do with your politics. That is why I have said that your
political viewpoint is your spirituality, demonstrated. The only reason you have created
politics is to produce a system by which life may be lived harmoniously, happily, peacefully.
That is, a system by which life itself may be affirmed.

I have never thought of it quite that way.

Those who founded your country have. The United States has a Declaration of
Independence which says that all of you are created equal, with certain unalienable rights,
among them, Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Your government was based on the
notion that human beings could construct a system of self-governance that guaranteed these
rights. All governments everywhere were created for basically the same reason. You may
differ on the form, but never the purpose, of government. Different cultures and societies may
spell out differently their ideas, and how to achieve them, but their desires are basically the
You see, then, that governments and politics were created in order to guarantee the
experience of what spirituality is—which is life itself.

Still, most people don’t want to hear God talking about politics, or political issues. Whenever I
write in our foundation newsletter about political issues as they are affected by the message
in Conversations with God, I begin receiving negative letters. “Cancel my subscription!” they
say. “This is not God’s work! These are political views, and I did not subscribe to this
newsletter to hear political views!”
When Marianne Williamson, James Redfield, and I sponsored a Peace Prayer Vigil in
Washington, D.C., a few years ago, everyone thought it was marvelous. We were calling
upon all people everywhere to use the power of prayer to bring peace to the world, and we
received wide support. Yet as soon as any of us start talking about how to produce peace—
the spiritual principles which underlie it—the mail starts pouring in. People are infuriated.

Yes. People want you to pray for peace, but not to do anything about it. They want God to
find a solution—but they eliminate the possibility that God’s solution might just be You Doing
Something About It.
In fact, that is the only solution there will ever be, because God works in the world through
the people who are in it.

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