
(C. Jardin) #1

Oh, I don’t think people mind other people doing something about it. What they do mind is
God telling them what must be done.

Yet I have never told you what you must do about it, and I never will. I have never given
orders, barked commands, or issued ultimatums. I have merely listened to you tell Me where
you want to go, and offered you suggestions on how to get there.
You say you want a world that can live in peace and harmony and joy, and I tell you this: joy
is freedom. Those words, too, are interchangeable. Any curtailing of freedom is a curtailing of
joy. Any curtailing of joy is a curtailing of harmony. Any curtailing of harmony is a curtailing of
You tell Me that you wish to live in a world without conflict, without violence, without
bloodshed, without hatred. And I tell you this: a way to have such a world, a way to create it
virtually overnight, is to preach and live The New Gospel.
Speak it not only from your pulpits, but from the halls of your governments as well; not only in
your churches, but in your schools; not only through your collective conscience, but through
your collective economies.

You keep repeating Yourself.

You keep repeating yourself. Your whole history has been a repeating of your own failures—
in your personal life, and in the collective experience of your planet. The definition of insanity
is repeating, over and over again, the same behaviors, and expecting different results.
All that those who are seeking to overlay spirituality on politics are trying to do is to say:
“There is another way.”
These efforts should be blessed, not criticized.

Well, it doesn’t work that way. You addressed social issues in book 2 of Conversations with
God, and it was lambasted by many for being too political. Marianne Williamson wrote an
absolutely wonderful book called Healing the Soul of America, and has preached about
“social spirituality” from her pulpit at the Church of Today near Detroit, and she was
lambasted by some people within her own congregation for being too political.

They said the same thing about Jesus.
“Too political,” they said.
“When he was just teaching spirituality, he was safe. But now he’s suggesting that people
actually apply the spiritual truths they’ve learned. Now he’s becoming dangerous. We’ve got
to stop him.”

Yet if there is no “better” way, what is the point of spiritual activism? What is the point of
politics? Or of anything? Why should I get involved, if it’s all just a toss-up? If it doesn’t matter
one way or the other, how am I to be inspired to participate?

Out of your desire to make a statement of Who You Are. It may be a “toss-up” whether you
comb your hair this way or that, yet notice that you’ve been combing it the same way for
years. Why do you not comb it another way? Could it be because that is not Who You Are?
Why do you buy the car that you buy, wear the clothes that you wear?
Everything you do makes a statement, produces an expression, of Who You Are. Every act is
an act of self-definition.
Does this matter? Is defining the Self a thing that matters to you? Of course it is. It is the very
reason you came here!
Who You Are is not a “toss-up.” Who You Are is the most important decision you will ever

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