
(C. Jardin) #1

Oh, that’s an extraordinary teaching. Oh, my gosh, what a wonderful insight.

Therefore, in life, always see with your soul. Listen with your soul.
Even now, concerning the words on the paper right before you, see them with your soul, hear
them in your soul. Only then can you begin to understand them.
It is your soul which sees the beauty and the wonder and the truth of My words. Your mind
will deny it forever. It is as I have told you: to understand God, you must be out of your mind.
Do not stop the symphony in which you are playing because you think you hear a sour note.
Simply change your tune.
Effective political activism does not come from anger or hatred—and spiritual activism never
does—but rather from love. It is not a question of making someone or something wrong; it is
simply a decision to exchange the present reality for a new one, out of a new thought about
Who You Are, and Who You Choose to Be.

Yes, this is what I have called the New Thought Movement. Yet I still must ask my question—
I guess I’m still “in my mind” about this—but does this “we are all One” New Gospel mean we
may not harm a thing: may not swat a mosquito, may not trap a mouse, may not pick a weed
(much less a flower)? Does it mean that we may not lead a lamb to slaughter for those
delicious, tender chops?

Is it okay to cut off your hair?
Is it okay to cut out your heart?
Is there any difference?

You’re not answering my question. Why will You not make Your will known to me? Just tell
me Your will, and it all becomes very simple for me.

I have no will separate from your own, on this or any other matter. I have no preference other
than yours.
This is what so many of you cannot understand. This is what so many of you cannot abide.
For if I have no separate will or preference, what should you do? How can you know what is
right and what is wrong? In this, or any other, matter?
And now I’ve gone even further. Now I’ve even taken away your idea of better. So now what
are you to do? What now is the basis of any choice or decision?
I tell you, the purpose of life is for you to decide and declare, express and fulfill, Who You
Really Are. It is not for Me to tell you what is right and wrong, what is better or worse, what to
do and what not to do, and for you, then, to simply decide whether or not to obey Me—and
for Me, then, to reward or punish.
You have tried this system, and it does not work. You have announced over and over again
what you think My will to be, but this has not helped you. You have not obeyed it.

Behold, you have declared that I am against killing, yet you continue to kill—some of you
even do it in My name!
You have said I am against mistreatment and suppression of people, of any classes, races,
or genders, yet you continue to allow it.
You have said that I am against the dishonoring of your parents, abuse of your children, ill
treatment of your very Selves, yet you continue to commit it.
You have said that I am against all manner of things that you continue to do. You have not
managed to change your behaviors no matter what you claim that I prefer or command.
You have said that I am against lying, yet you lie all the time. You have said that I am against
stealing, yet you steal right and left. You have said that I am against adultery, yet you take
each other’s husbands and wives every day and every night.
Even your governments—those institutions you have created to protect you and care for your
needs—lie to you. Indeed, you have created an entire society based on lies.

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