
(C. Jardin) #1

visible is to be utterly transparent. That is, people can see right through you. There are no
hidden agendas. The more visible you become, the more transparent you are.

Use the tool of honesty consistently, and watch your life change. Use it in relationships. Use
it in business interactions. Use it in your politics. Use it in school. Use it everywhere, all the

Be aware of what you have done, and then be honest about it. Be honest about the
outcomes you know very well that you have produced. Then choose to take responsibility for
them. This is the third tool. It is a sign of great maturity, great spiritual growth.

You will never want to do this, however, as long as your society equates responsibility with
punishment. Too often in the past, taking responsibility has meant “taking a fall.” But
responsibility does not mean guilt. Rather, it means a willingness to do whatever you can to
make the outcomes you produce the best they can possibly be, and to do what it takes to
remedy whatever can be remedied, should others choose to experience the outcomes as
damaging in any way.

Some people have chosen to walk a path that says, “Each person is responsible for his own
outcomes, since we are all creating our own reality, therefore, I am not responsible for what
happens to you, even though I may have caused it.” This is what I call a New Age bypass. It
is an attempt to twist the logic of the New Thought Movement, which proclaims that every
human being is a creator.

Yet I tell you this: you are each responsible for each other. You are, truly, your brother’s
keeper. And when you understand this, all the misery, all the sorrow, all the pain of the
human experience will disappear.

You will then create a New Society, based on The New Gospel, WE ARE ALL ONE, and
supported by the Core Concepts: awareness, honesty, responsibility.

There will be no other laws, no other rules or regulations. There will be no legislation, and no
need for legislation. For you will have learned at last that you cannot legislate morality.

Your schools will teach these Core Concepts. The entire curriculum will be built around them.
Subjects such as reading, writing and arithmetic will be taught through them.

Your worldwide economy will reflect these Core Concepts. The entire infrastructure will be
built around them. Activities such as buying, trading, and selling will be guided by them.

Your self-governance will support these Core Concepts. The entire bureaucracy will be built
around them. Departments such as public service, justice, and resource management and
distribution will be administered according to them.

Your religions will support these Core Concepts. The entire spiritual belief system will be built
around them. Experiences such as unconditional love, unlimited sharing, and emotional and
physical healing will be possible because of them.

You will have come to know, at last, that it is impossible to avoid responsibility for the
experience of another, for there is no “other.” There is only You, expressing in a multiplicity of

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