
(C. Jardin) #1

Because of this knowingness, everything will change. The shift will be so dramatic, so
pervasive, and so complete that the world as you now experience it will seem like a
nightmare that has finally ended. And, indeed, you will have truly awakened.

The time of your awakening is at hand. The moment of your renewal, of your re-creation, is
upon you. You are about to re-create yourself anew in the next grandest version of the
greatest vision ever you held about Who You Are.

This is the agenda of your worldwide society in the new millennium. You, yourself, have set
this agenda. You have called it forth. You have already set it into motion. Human beings
everywhere are moving into alignment with it. They are joining hands in this re-creation. East
is meeting west. Whites are embracing people of color. Religions are merging, governments
are adapting, economies are expanding. In everything, you are moving to a global approach,
adopting a global perspective, creating a global system.

There will be chaos before the shift. This is natural in advance of any shift of this proportion.
For you are not merely changing your way of doing things, you are shifting your whole idea of
Who You Are, as a person, as a collection of nations, as a species. And so, there will be
chaos, created largely by those who do not want to make the shift, who cannot accept the
end of “better” and The New Gospel of Oneness. There will also be those who are simply
afraid that such a change will produce a loss of control over one’s whole life, a surrendering
of personal and national identity. None of these outcomes will occur.

The shift will not mean the disappearance of ethnic or national or cultural distinctions, It will
not mean the dishonoring of traditions, or the disowning of heritage, or the disassembling of
families, tribes, or communities. On the contrary, the shift will produce a strengthening of
those ties as you come to realize that you can experience them without having to do so at the
expense of another.

The shift will not mean the end of that which makes you different, but only the end of that
which makes you divided. Differences and divisions are not the same thing.

Differences confirm, and make possible, your experience of Who You Are. Divisions confuse,
and render impossible that experience. Without the differences between here and there, up
and down, fast and slow, hot and cold, none of these things could be experienced. Yet there
is no division between here and there, up and down, fast and slow, hot and cold. These are
merely different versions of the same thing. Similarly, there are no divisions between black
and white, male and female, Christian and Muslim. These are merely different versions of the
same thing.

When you see this, then you, too, will have made the shift. You will have become part of the
New Society, in which you honor diversity, but not division.

You do not have to disappear as an individual in order to experience Oneness. That is the
great fear, of course. The great fear is that Oneness will mean sameness, and that that which
separates you from The Whole will disappear. Thus, you will disappear. And so, the struggle
against Oneness is a struggle for survival.

Yet Oneness will not put an end to your survival as an individual expression of The Whole.
Rather, it will allow it.

Right now, you are killing each other out of your love for yourself and your beliefs, and your
hatred of others and theirs. You have it constructed that in order to survive as an individual

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