
(C. Jardin) #1

person, race, religion or nation, you have to make sure that no one else survives. This is your
myth, called Survival of the Fittest.

Living The New Gospel of Oneness, you will not have to fight for survival, but will guarantee it
by not fighting for it. This simple solution, which has so long evaded you, will change

You will stop fighting for survival the day you realize that you cannot fail to survive. You will
stop killing each other the day you realize that there is no “other.”

Life is eternal, and there is only One of Us.

These two truths render pointless virtually everything you have done in your life. When
understood, they will transform your life, turning it into a glorious expression of the grandest
version of the greatest vision ever you held about Who You Are.

Life is eternal, and there is only One of Us.

These two truths summarize everything, and change everything.

Life is eternal, and there is only One of Us.

These two truths are all you will ever need to know.



What does it mean to have a friendship with God? It means having wisdom such as this at
your fingertips. Any time, anyplace, anywhere.

It means never wondering, ever again, what to do, how to be, where to go, when to act, or
why to love. All the questions disappear when you have a friendship with God, because I will
bring you all the answers.

In truth, I will not bring you any answers at all, but simply show you that you have brought
them with you when you came into this life; that you have had them all along. I will show you
how to call them forth, how to have them radiate from your being in the space of any
problem, any challenge, any difficulty, so that, in fact, problems, challenges, and difficulties
are no longer part of your life, but will be replaced by simple experiences.

To the outer world it may very well appear as if nothing, in fact, has changed. And, in actual
fact, nothing may have changed. You may continue to be confronted with the same
conditions. Only you will sense the difference. Only you will notice the shift. It will be an
experience of your inner world—yet it will begin to affect your outer world as well. And while
others may not see a change in your conditions, they will see a change in you. They will
wonder about this change. They will marvel at it. And eventually, they will inquire about it.

What will I tell them?

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