
(C. Jardin) #1

Tell them the truth. The truth shall set them free. Tell them that nothing has changed in your
outer world. You still have toothaches. You still have bills to pay. You still put your pants on
one leg at a time.

Tell them that you still face conditions you once described as less than perfect, you still
confront all the rough and tumble encounters of life. Tell them that nothing has changed but
your experience.

What does that mean? I don’t know what that means.

What do you understand the word “experience” to mean?

Well, the Random House Dictionary of the English Language defines “experience” as “the
totality of the cognitions given by perception; all that is perceived, understood, and

Good. And so, when you know life’s great truths, what changes is the totality of your
cognitions. Your experience includes all that is “perceived, understood, and remembered.”
That is the important word: “remembered.”

In short, your experience changes when you remember, totally, Who You Really Are.

I am here to help you remember. You are here to help others remember. As you remember,
you re-member——that is, become a Member Once Again of the Body of God. You become
One with All That Is, though the part of you that expresses the Whole in a specific
individuation does not disappear, but, quite to the contrary, appears more gloriously than
ever before.

When your individual expression is that glorious, others may call you God, or the Son of God,
or The Buddha, the Enlightened One, the Master, the Holy One—or~ even, the Savior.

And you will be a savior, come to save everyone else from forgetfulness, from not
remembering their Oneness, from acting as if they were separate from one another.

You will spend your life working to end this illusion of separateness. And you will join with
others who are doing so also.

You have been waiting for these others. You have been waiting for them to show up in your
life, to make themselves known to you. Now you have found each other, and you are no
longer alone in this work.
This is what it means to have a friendship with God. It means to no longer be alone. So now,
as you go about your day-to-day life, know and understand that nothing is ever going to be
the same. Your friendship with Me has changed everything. It has brought you My
partnership and My love, My wisdom and My awareness.

You will now be aware, and you will be aware that you are aware. You will walk in
wakefulness. You will grok in fullness.

Except when you do not.

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