
(C. Jardin) #1

There may be times when you will slip back into forgetfulness; when you imagine your Self to
be other than Who You Really Are. At those times, in particular, use our new friendship. Call
on My name, and I will be there. I will show you to your answers, I will lead you to your
wisdom, I will give you back to yourself.

This, then, do for all others. Give people back to themselves. This is your assignment, this is
your mission, this is your purpose.

And through their friendship with you will they come to know that they have a friendship with


Twenty - One

My story ends here, for now. It is June 29, 1999, at 6:25 in the morning. I have been up since
2:30 A.M., in my cozy office in my wonderful home in the rolling hills outside of Ashland,
Oregon, finishing this book. I have been looking to see what would come through to bring it to
an end. That last chapter did it for me. There is nothing more to say. All of it is here. All of it is
clear. When you are aware, and when you are aware that you are aware, there is nothing
more to ask.

I’ll leave my personal narrative where I began it in Conversations with God, book 1. From the
campground near Ashland, I went back to “real life.” But I wanted to make a life this time,
rather than just a living. This was the source of much of my sadness during the years before
writing the first Conversations with God book, before writing my angry letter to God. This was
the source of much of my unhappiness in relationships. I have since learned two important
questions to ask in life: Where am I going? Who is going with me? I have also learned never
to transpose those questions again; never to ask the second one first, and then change the
first to suit the second.

Now I have a wonderful life, I am blessed with my wonderful wife, Nancy, and with wonderful
friends. And my most wonderful friend of all is God.

I do have a friendship with God, and I use it every day. That’s what friends are for—to be
used. That’s what God loves us to do. God says, “Use Me.” Those are the two magic words.
Those are the words that will change your life. When you hear God say those words, your life
will change. And when others hear you say those words, your life will change.

Those words are even more powerful than “I love you.” Because when you say “Use me,”
you are saying “I love you”—and a great deal more. You’re saying “I love you,” and “I’m going
to show you right now.”

This is what God says. This is what God says all the time.

I am sure that this statement is difficult to accept for people who have suffered trauma and
injury and deep wounds in their lives. Yet I promise you, it’s true. Even our darkest moments
are gifts. That is what every Master has taught us, and either it is so, or every Master has
been lying to us. I don’t think The Buddha was a liar. I don’t think Jesus was into fibbing. I
don’t think Mohammed was pulling our leg.

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