
(C. Jardin) #1

I think that salvation from the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune lies in our beingness.
To be, or not to be, that is the question. To be Who We Really Are, or to be something less
than that. That is the choice.

What God has given us in this dialogue will change our lives, and can change the world. This
is powerful stuff. So share it. Give it away. Go out and preach The New Gospel.

Do not ignore the opportunities that present themselves every day to share this message. Yet
remember that the most effective way to share it is to be it. I choose now to dedicate the rest
of my life to that being. I invite you to do the same.

My wonderful and glorious children, My new friends, all

Yours has been a difficult and challenging path. Yet now you have found your way home.
You have overcome obstacles, met challenges, healed injuries, resolved conflicts, removed
blockages, asked questions, and heard your own answers, in your efforts to return to Me.
Your work is now over. Your joy has just begun.

Let it be your joy now to return others to Me, to show others the way home, to give others
back to themselves. For that is where home is, and that is where I am—living in the hearts,
and as the souls, of every member of the Body of God.

Go home to your own heart, and you will find Me there. Unite again with your own soul, and
you will unite again with Me.

Have faith, for I tell you that you and I can be different, but we cannot be divided. Go, then,
and end the division among you. Celebrate your differences, yet end your divisions, and join
in the unified expression of the one truth: I Am All There Is.

Have hope, for My love for you will never end, nor will it ever know a limitation, or a condition
of any kind.

Have love, then, for each other, as an expression of Me. In your decision to be an expression
of God will you be glorified. In your choice to experience your unity with God and with all
things will you be Self-realized. In your determination to know the truth will you show the
truth, indeed. Not merely in thought, not merely in word, but indeed.

You have been deeded a place in the Kingdom of Heaven, and in the heart of God. These
are your deeds. And when they are reflected in your deeds, you will have become a Master,

And know this: mastery is where you are headed. It is where you have said that you’ve
wished to go, and it is therefore, where I am leading you, and where I invite you to lead each

Have now a friendship with God, and cause others to know that in their friendship with you,
they have a friendship with God, for you and I are One, and thus, you are the God they would

They, too, are the God you would befriend. You cannot experience having a friendship with
God if you do not have a friendship with each other—because I am the “other.” There is no
“other,” other than Me. When you know this, you know the greatest secret. It is time now to
go out and live that secret. Live it with faith, share it with hope, demonstrate it with love.

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