
(C. Jardin) #1

On a somewhat different plane, though no less heavenly, is my friendship with my partner
and wife, Nancy who is a living definition of the word “blessing.” I have been blessed from the

moment we met, and in every moment since.

Nancy is an astonishing person. She radiates, from the heart of her being, a quiet
wisdom, endless patience, deep compassion, and the purest love I have ever known. In a

world of sometimes darkness, she is a bringer of the Light. To know her is to be reunited
again with every thought I’ve ever had about all that is good and kind and beautiful; with

every hope I’ve ever held about gentle and supporting companionship; and with every

fantasy I’ve ever entertained about lovers truly in love.

I am indebted to all the wonderful people who have impacted
my life and helped me in my work, modeling behaviors and attributes and ways of being that

have inspired and instructed me. Oh, what a priceless gift to have such teachers who show
the way! Among them, I am so grateful to...

Kirsten Bakke, for defining absolute dependability, and showing me that spectacular, take-

charge leadership never has to leave compassion, sensitivity, or caring behind.

Rita Curtis, for demonstrating stunningly that personal power does not subtract from

femininity one bit but adds to it.

Ellen DeGeneres, for modeling human courage that most people do not think is possible,
and for thus making it possible for every one of us.

Bob Friedman, for showing me that integrity exists, indeed.

Bill Griswold and Dan Higgs, for modeling what life-long friendship was meant to be.

Jeff Golden, for showing me that searing brilliance, passionate conviction, and gentle
persuasion can go hand in hand.

Patty Hammett, for demonstrating what love, loyalty and unwavering commitment are all


Anne Heche, for modeling absolute authenticity, and how not to give it up for anything.

Jerry Jampolsky and Diane Cirincione, for showing me that when humans are willing to

love, there is no limit to what can be compassionately created—and gently overlooked.

Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, for showing me that it is possible to make a staggering contribution
to an entire planet without being staggered, yourself, by it.

Kaela Marshall, for always modeling forgiveness when faced with the unforgiveable,

allowing me to believe God’s promise that there is redemption for us all.

Scott McGuire, for demonstrating stunningly that sensitivity does not subtract from
masculinity one bit but adds to it.

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