
(C. Jardin) #1

You have to have a real willingness. You have to be willing to see Me where you find Me, not
only where you expect to find Me.

You have to see Me where you find Me—and find Me where you see Me.

I don’t understand what that means.

A lot of people see Me but don’t find Me. It’s like a cosmic game of Where’s Wa/do?They’re
looking right at Me, but they don’t find Me.

But how can we make sure we recognize You?

That’s a great word you chose to use there. To “recognize” is to “know again.” That is, to re-

You have to come to know Me again.

How do we do that?

First, you must believe that I exist. Belief precedes willingness as a tool with which to know
God. You must believe that there is a God to know.

Most people do believe in God. Surveys show that in recent years belief in God has actually
increased on our planet.

Yes, I’m happy to say that the largest number of you do believe in Me. So it’s not your belief
in Me that creates problems, it’s your belief about Me.

One of the things you believe about Me is that I do not want you to know Me. Some of you
even believe that you dare not so much as utter My name. Others feel that you should not
write the word “God,” but, out of respect, should write “G-D.” Still others of you say that it’s all
right to speak My name, but that it must be My correct name, and that if it’s an incorrect
name, you will have committed a blasphemy.

But whether you call Me Jehovah, Yaweh, God, Allah, or Charlie, I am still Who I am, What I
am, Where I am, and I will not stop loving you because you got my name wrong, for heaven

So you can stop quarreling over what to call Me.

It’s pitiful, isn’t it?

That’s your word, reflecting a judgment. I’m merely observing what’s so.

Even many of those religions which are not arguing about My name are teaching that for you
to seek too much knowledge of God is unwise, and for you to say that God has actually
talked to you is heresy.

So, while a belief IN God is necessary, your belief ABOUT God is also important.

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