
(C. Jardin) #1

So yes, a simple, five-word question like that can change your life. Because that question, if
you can remember to ask it, places what’s going on in a new context, a much larger context.

Especially if you ask the question at decision-making time.

There is no time that is not” decision-making time.” You are always making decisions, all the
time. There is no time when you are not making a decision. Even when you are sleeping, you
are making decisions. (In fact, some of your biggest decisions are made while you’re
sleeping. And some people are sleeping even when it looks like they are awake.)

Someone once said, we are a planet of sleepwalkers.

They were not far from the truth.

So that’s the magic question, eh?

That’s the magic question. The five-word magic question.

Actually, there are two five-word magic questions. These questions, asked at the right
moment, can propel you forward in your own evolution faster than you might ever imagine.
The questions are:

Is this Who I Am?

What would love do now?

With your decision to ask and answer those questions at every juncture, you will move from
student to teacher of The New Gospel.

The New Gospel? What is that?

In time, My friend. In due time. We have much to say before we get to that.

Then can I go back to guilt just one more time? What about people who have done such
horrible things—killed people, for instance, or raped women, or abused children—that they
just can’t forgive themselves?

What they have done in the past, I am going to say again, is not who they are. It may be who
others think they are, it may even be who they think they are, but it is not Who They Really

But most of these people can’t hear that. They are too consumed with their own guilt—or
perhaps with bitterness at the cards life has dealt them. Some of them are even afraid that
they’ll do it again. So, they see their life as hopeless. Pointless.

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