
(C. Jardin) #1

He did have everything he ever wanted! But those last three words contain an enormous
secret. The secret of life is not to have everything you want, but to want everything you have.

To borrow from another wonderful writer, John Gray.

John is a wonderful writer, that is true, but who do you think is “borrowing” from whom? I
gave him those ideas, just as I inspired Ken Keyes.

Who is there with You now.

Who is, indeed—and free of his wheelchair, I might add.

I’m so glad! It’s a shame he had to spend so much of his life in one.

It is not a shame! It is a blessing! Ken Keyes changed millions of lives because he was in that
wheelchair. Millions of lives. Let’s make no mistake about this. Ken’s life was a blessing, as
was every circumstance in it. It provided the exact and perfect people, places, and events to
produce for the soul then calling itself Ken, the experience and the expression for which it
yearned, and which it had intended.

This is true of everyone’s life. There is no such thing as bad luck, nothing happens by
accident, there are no coincidences, and God doesn’t make mistakes.

In other words, everything is perfect, just the way it is.

That’s right.

Even if things don’t look perfect.

Especially if they don’t look perfect. That’s a sure sign that there’s something huge for you to
remember here.

So You’re saying we should be grateful for the worst things that happen to us?

Gratitude is the fastest form of healing.

What you resist, persists. What you are grateful for can then serve you, as it was meant to

I have told you:

I have sent you nothing but angels.

Now I will add:

I have given you nothing but miracles.

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