
(C. Jardin) #1

Yet it is this very teaching of superiority that has caused so much pain in your world. The
idea, deeply ingrained in a people, that they are somehow “better” than others may give them
an extra measure of confidence, but it also too often translates “how can anything we do go
wrong?” into “how can anything we do be wrong?”

This is not self-confidence, but a dangerous brand of hubris that allows an entire population
to believe itself to be in the right, no matter what it says or does.

People of many faiths and nations have believed and taught this through the years,
producing a righteousness so huge that it desensitized them to any other experience,
including the abject suffering of others.

If there is one thing which it would benefit you to remove from your various cultural myths, it
is this idea that, by means of some magic ingredient, you have been made better than some
other humans; that yours is the superior race, or the superior faith, the better country or the
better political system, the higher approach or the higher way.

I tell you this: the day that you cause cultures to do this is the day that you change the world.

The word better is one of the most dangerous words in your vocabulary, exceeded only by
the word right. Both are connected, for it is because you think you are better that you think
you are right. Yet I have made no ethnic or cultural group My chosen people, and I have
made no path to Me the one true path. Neither have I singled out any nation or religion for
special favor, nor given any gender or race superiority over another.

Oh, my God, would you please repeat that? Would You please say that again?

I have made no ethnic or cultural group My chosen people, and I have made no path to Me
the one true path. Neither have I singled out any nation or religion for special favor, nor given
any gender or race superiority over another.

I invite every minister, every priest, every rabbi, every teacher, every guru, every Master,
every president, every prime minister, every king, every queen, every leader, every nation,
every political party to issue one statement that would heal the world:


Leaders could never say that. Parties could never announce that. The Pope, for heaven
sake, could never declare that. That would destroy the whole basis of the Roman Catholic

Not just that church, but many religions, My son. As I have already noted, most religions base
their primary appeal on the idea that theirs is the one true path, and that to believe any other
way is to risk eternal damnation. Thus, religions use fear, rather than love, to attract you. Yet
that is the last reason I would have you come to Me.

Do You think that religions ever could affirm that? Do You think that nations ever could
declare that? Do you think that political parties ever could make that statement part of their

I say again: it would change the world overnight if they did.

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