
(C. Jardin) #1

Most human beings do that. Yet when you reach mastery, you will allow others to experience
Who They Arethrough you. This is how you will know a Master when you see one: the Master
is one who sees you.

The Master gives you back to your Self, for the Master recognizes you. That is, the Master
re-cognizes you-knows you again. And thus do you once again re-cognize your Self. You
know your Self, again, as Who You Really Are. Then you pass this on to others. You have
become a Master, and no longer seek to know your Self through others, but choose to have
others know themselves through you.

Thus have I said, a true Master is not the one with the most students, but one who creates
the most Masters.

How can I experience the truth of this? How can I stop needing affirmation from without, and
find all that I require to be happy within?

Go within. To find what is within, go within. If you do not go within, you go without.

You’ve said that before, too.

Indeed, all of these things have I shared with you before. All of this wisdom has been given
you. Do you imagine that I would make you wait to hear the greatest truths? Why would I
keep these things secret?

Not only have you heard these things before in your previous conversations with God, you
have heard them elsewhere as well. There is no revelation here, except the revelation that all
has already been revealed.

Even you have been revealed to your Self. And that revelation, which has been given you,
lies deep within your soul.

Once you get a glimpse of that, once you have even a momentary experience of it, you will
be very clear that nothing outside of yourself can compare with what is within you; that no
feeling you get from any exterior stimulation or source is anything like the total bliss of
communion within.

I tell you again, it is within that your bliss will be found. There will you remember once again
Who You Are, and there will you experience once more that you have no need of anything
exterior to your Self.

There will you see the image of you, in the likeness of Me.

And on that day will your need for anything else end, and will you be able, at last, to truly
love, and to love truly.

You speak with such force and grace and eloquence. I am so often having my breath taken
away by You. But tell me again how I can go within. How can I know myself as he who needs
nothing exterior to himself.

Simply be quiet. Be with your Self in the stillness. Do this often. Do this daily. Even hourly in
small doses if you can.

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