
(C. Jardin) #1

Just stop. Stop all of your doingness. Stop all of your thinking, just “be” for a while. Even for
only a moment. It can change everything.

Take an hour every day at dawn and give it to your Self.

Meet your Self there, in the holy moment. Then go about your day. You will be a different

You are talking about meditation.

Do not get caught up in labels, or ways of doing things. That is what religion has done. That
is what dogma seeks to do. Do not create a label or a set of rules around this.

What you call meditation is nothing more than being with your Self—and thus, ultimately,
being your Self.

You can do this in many ways. For some of you it may look like what you call “meditation”—
that is, sitting quietly. For others it may look like walking alone, in nature. Scrubbing a stone
floor with a brush on hands and knees can be a meditation—as many a monk has
discovered. Others, outsiders, come to a monastery and see this work and think, oh, what a
hard life. Yet the monk is deeply happy, deeply at peace. He is not looking to get out of
scrubbing floors, he is looking for another floor to scrub! Just give me another floor! Give me
another brush! Give me another hour on my hands and knees, my nose six inches from the
cobblestones. I’ll give you the cleanest floor you’ve ever seen! And my soul will be cleansed
in the process. Cleansed of any thought that happiness requires something outside of itself.

Service can be a deep form of meditation.

Okay, let’s say that I’ve discovered that I don’t need anything from anyone else to be truly
happy. Wouldn’t this make me antisocial?

On the contrary, it will make you more social than ever, for now you clearly see that you have
nothing to lose!

Nothing inhibits your loving each other more than the thought that you have something to

It is for this same reason that you have found it difficult, and frightening, to love Me. You have
been told that if you do not love Me in the right way, at the right time, for the right reasons, I
will become angry. For I am a jealous God, you have been told, and I will not accept your
love in any way, shape, or form other than that in which I demand it.

Nothing could be farther from the truth, yet the truth has never been farther from your

I need nothing from you, and therefore seek, want, and demand nothing of you. My love for
you is without condition and without limitation. You will return to Heaven whether you have
loved Me in the right way or not. There is no way for you not to return to Heaven, because
there is no place else to go. Thus is your eternal life assured, and your eternal reward

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