
(C. Jardin) #1

The idea of being jealous of the time that those you love spend playing golf, or working at the
office, or in the arms of another is an idea that can only occur to you if you imagine that your
own happiness is compromised when the one that you love is happy.

Or that your happiness depends on your loved one always being with you, rather than being
with someone else, or doing something else.


But hold on a minute. Do You mean that we shouldn’t even be jealous when our loved one is
in the arms of another? You mean that infidelity is okay?

There is no such thing as okay and not okay. These are measures that you are making up.
You are creating them— and changing them—as you go along.

There are those who say that this is the very problem with society today; that we are being
spiritually and socially irresponsible. We are changing our values in the moment, to suit our

Of course you are. That is the way life is. If you did not do that, life could not proceed. You
would never make any progress at all. Do you truly want to hold onto your old values forever?

Some people do.

They want to hang women in the town square, calling them witches, as you did just a few
generations ago? They want their church to send soldiers out on crusades, killing people by
the thousands for not confessing the one true faith?

But you’re using historical examples of human behaviors that arose out of misplaced values,
not old values. We’ve risen above those behaviors.

Have you? Have you looked at your world lately? Yet that is another subject altogether. Let’s
stick to this one.

Changing values are the sign of a maturing society. You are growing into a larger version of
yourself. You are changing your values all the time as you gather new information, as you
bring in new experiences, as you consider new ideas and discover new ways of looking at
things, and as you redefine Who You Are.

This is a sign of growth, not of irresponsibility.

Let me get this straight. It is a sign of growth to be okay with our loved one hanging out in the
arms of another?

It is a sign of growth not to have your peace taken away from you by that. Not to disrupt your
life because of that. Not to end your life because of that. Not to kill another because of that.
All of these things, humans have done. Even now, some of you are killing others because of
that, and most of you are killing your love because of that.

Well, I don’t agree with killing, of course, but how can it not kill your love for someone when
they are loving another at the same time they say that they are loving you?

Because they love another, does that mean that they do not love you? Must they love you
only, in order for their love to be true? Is this how you have it?

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