Appendix B
© 2009, AWI, AWMAC, WI - Architectural Woodwork Standards - 1st Edition, October 1, 2009
(Appendix B is not part of the AWS for compliance purposes)
- Solid surface shall be [manufacturer] [pattern].
a. All solid surface at any room or area shall be from the same batch to prevent color mismatch. - Solid Phenolic shall be [manufacturer] [pattern].
Select the appropriate items below
A. Paneling shall be Architectural Woodwork Standards [Economy] [Custom] [Premium] Grade.
B. Stile and Rail Wood Paneling:
- Stiles and rails shall be [3/4] [ 1 ] inch thick.
- Joints at stiles and rails shall be securely fastened with dowels or biscuits.
- Panels shall be [flat] [raised].
C. Flat Veneered Paneling:
- Panels shall be [full width] [selectively reduced] [balanced sequence matched panels] [blueprint matched].
- Visible edges and reveals shall be [filled and painted] [match faces] [per details].
- Outside corners shall be [lock mitered] [mitered and splined] [per detail].
- [Blueprint Match: Work at room(s) [ __ ] shall be blueprint matched.
This item is only necessary if there is an area where a blueprint match is desired. This could apply if
there is transparent finish flat wood paneling adjacent to Wood Doors and Wood Casework. Similar
language must be inserted in the Sections specifying casework, wood trim, and wood doors.
a. All work in this/these area(s) shall be AWS Premium Grade.
b. Casework, paneling, doors and wood trim shall be provided by the same manufacturer.
c. Veneers shall be taken from the same flitch, to be selected by the architect.
d. Faces at cabinet doors, drawer fronts, and false fronts shall be sequence matched, shall run and match
vertically, and shall be sequence matched with adjacent wall paneling and/or doors.
e. Faces at exposed ends of cabinets shall be selected from the same flitch, and shall be well matched to
the adjacent paneling and to the cabinet fronts.
f. All components including casework, paneling, doors, and trim shall be factory finished at the same
time in the same facility.]
D. High Pressure Decorative Laminate Paneling:
- Panels shall be [full width -OR- selectively reduced].
- Visible edges and reveals shall be [filled and painted] [match faces] [per details].
- Outside corners shall be [lock mitered] [mitered and splined] [per detail].
E. Solid Surface Paneling:
- Panels shall be [manufacturer], [pattern].
- Reveals shall be provided for expansion a maximum of 96” (2438 mm) on center.
- Reveals shall be [butt jointed and caulked] [covered with a trim batten] [splined with a loose spline].
- Outside corners shall be [hard seamed] [per details].
F. Solid Phenolic Core Paneling:
- Reveals or slip joints shall be provided for expansion a maximum of 96” (2438 mm) on center.
- Reveals shall be [butt jointed and caulked] [be provided with a trim batten].
- Outside corners shall be [butt jointed] [trimmed with a metal corner mold] [per details].
CSI Section 06 42 00