(Tina Sui) #1


Appendix B

© 2009, AWI, AWMAC, WI - Architectural Woodwork Standards - 1st Edition, October 1, 2009

(Appendix B is not part of the AWS for compliance purposes)

This guide specification covers the materials and methods you would want to specify for wood
or laminated plastic casework. It is strongly recommended that you read the “Cabinet Section” of
Architectural Millwork Standards before using this guide spec. Many of the items you would ordinarily
specify are governed by your choice of Grade.
In this guide spec, choices are in [bold, in brackets]. Comments are in shaded background.


A. Section Includes:
Select the applicable items from the list below.

  1. [Interior Wood Door Frames.]

  2. [Wood Door and Window Casings.]

  3. [Wood Aprons.]

  4. [Wood Base and Shoe Moldings.]

  5. [Wood Chair Rails.]

  6. [Wood Cornices.]

  7. [Wood Fascia and Soffits.]

  8. [Wood Stops, Stools, and Sills.]

  9. [Factory finishing.]
    Factory finishing is strongly recommended. It is extremely difficult to get a quality finish under job
    site conditions.
    B. Related Sections:

  10. Rough Carpentry: Wood blocking or grounds inside finished walls or above finished ceilings.

  11. Wood Paneling.

  12. Wood and Plastic Laminate Casework.

  13. Wood Doors.


A. Minimum standards for work in this Section shall be in conformity with the Architectural Woodwork Standards, latest
edition, published jointly by the Architectural Woodwork Institute, the Architectural Woodwork Manufacturer Association
of Canada, and the Woodwork Institute.

All of the other standards you would reference are within the AWS.

A. Shop Drawings:

  1. Submit shop drawings in conformance with the requirements of the Architectural Woodwork Standards.

  2. [Furnish a AWS Certified Compliance Label on the first page of the shop drawings.]

  3. Submit two copies, one of which will be returned with reviewed notations. Make corrections noted (if any), and
    distribute required copies prior to the start of work.

B. Samples:

  1. Submit four [finished] samples of each species and cut of wood to be used. Lumber samples to be minimum 6” by
    12”, plywood samples to be minimum 12” by 12”. Samples shall represent the range of color and grain expected to
    be provided.

  2. [Submit four additional samples of each material for the use of the paint trade.]
    Include this Item if materials are to be finished at the job site.

CSI Section 06 46 00

Wood Trim


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