Appendix B
© 2009, AWI, AWMAC, WI - Architectural Woodwork Standards - 1st Edition, October 1, 2009
(Appendix B is not part of the AWS for compliance purposes)
3 - Lumber
The Window & Door Manufacturers Association (WDMA), through
the treatments and coatings committee, has reviewed information
from third party testing laboratories which indicates that the
number of formulations at the stated in-use concentration meet
t h e r e q u i r e m e n t s o f W D M A I. S. 4 , l a t e s t e d i t i o n. T h e f o r m u l a t i o n s
are acceptable for use under the WDMA Hallmark Water-Repellent
Non-Pressure Preservative Treatment Certification Program and
are adopted to meet all requirements.
Modern technology has developed methods of treating certain
species to extend their life when exposed to the elements. Some
lumber species used for exterior architectural woodwork may be
treated with an industry tested and accepted formulation. One
such formulation is a liquid containing 3-iodo-2-propynyl butyl
carbamate (IPBC) as its active ingredient, which must be used
according to manufacturer’s directions.
ASTME 84 flame-spreadindexesforvariouswoodspeciesof 19 mmthick[ 3 / 4 "]
B0irch,Yellow 1a 05 - 11 nLodat U
C0edar,WesternRed 73 2A 1 HPV
C8edar,Alaska(PacificCoastyellow) 70 9CCW
C5ottonwood 1a 1 nLodat U
B0aldcypress(Cypress) 1a 45 - 15 nLodat U
F0ir,Douglas 7a 0 - 10 nLodat U
F9ir,Pacificsilver 68 5CCW
S5weetgum(Gum,red) 1a 40 - 15 nLodat U
H5emlock.western(WestCoast) 6a 0 - 7 nLodat U
M4aple,Sugar(mapleflooring) 1a 0 nCodat CW
O0ak,Red 100 1L 0 U
O0ak,White 100 1L 0 U
P2ine,red 194 2C 2 CW
P5ine,EasternWhite 82 1C 2 CW
P5ine,WesternWhite 7anLodat U
P5ine,NorthernWhite 1a 20 - 21 nLodat U
P0ine,Ponderosa 1a 05 - 23 nLodat U
P5ine,SouthernYellow 1a 30 - 19 nLodat U
P3ine,Lodgepole 90 2C 1 CW
P5oplar,Yellow 1a 70 - 18 nLodat U
R0edwood 7anLodat U
S5pruce,Eastern(Northern,White) 6anCodat UL,CW
S4pruce,Sitka(Western,Sitka) 1400 , 7 nCodata, 7 UL,CW
W0alnut,Black 1a 30 - 14 nLodat U
(c)-CWC,CanadianWoodCouncil(CWC 1996 );HPVA,HardwoodPlywood&
VeneerAssociation(Tests);UL,UnderwritersLaboratories,Inc.(UL 527 , 1971 )
fromtheWoodHandbook,ForestProductsSociety, 1999 - FPScatalogno. 7269