Primal Blueprint Fitness - Crossfit Praha

(Tuis.) #1

How does PBF compare to CrossFit?

I have great respect for CrossFit founder Greg
Glassman’s approach to fitness. A ton of my regu-
lar readers follow the CrossFit protocol, and I’ve
been known to bang out a WOD every now and
again. That said, CrossFit’s intensity and degree
of difficulty can be inappropriate for beginners, and
bring a high risk of injury from overuse or using
less than perfect form. Your average couch potato
trying to make a real difference by eating and ex-
ercising right for the first time in his life may not be
a great fit for CrossFit.

I’m here to change as many lives as possible. I
want to make fitness approachable without dumb-
ing it down, and I think I’ve succeeded. Both PBF
and CrossFit teach functional fitness and real
world application of strength, speed, and power,
but I believe my program is more sustainable for
more people. You might say it’s CrossFit for the
rest of us.

Frequently Asked Questions and Concerns cont’d 89

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